Wednesday, February 01, 2006


[blue mood]

everybody's life has changed...well..not everybody, but most of people around me.
up and down.
include me..but i feel like my life is stuck at one point.
some has just had great lost in his/her life.
some of my friends are going to seek new challenge in Jakarta.
a friend got one in a lifetime experience.
my sist will be moved to Bali for a while-maybe 8 months. She will in charge of her office project there.

feel a lil' bit left behind (it doesn't mean that i'm not greatful).
i need to do something with my life.
not just travell around, buat something usefull.
has to think bout it.


Blogger Vanie said...

*pasang bendera* <--- kasih semangat

ayooo cari tau yg kamu mau ^^

les paper claynya engga dilanjutin ??? atau ada hobi lain yg pengen disalurkan ??? ;))

8:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

sek lom tau yoo...tapi ada pikiran pengen ikutan pilates ^^ interested? :P

9:48 AM  

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