Friday, December 24, 2004



Tonight I'll attend christmas mass at Hendrikus high school.
Tomorrow I'm gonna left this country (cieeee)....actually on 22.30 Bali time.
Will meet my aunt n little cousin there.

1. battery pack (2)-charged. done
2. clothes (must re-check)
3. money (bokek-only 40 rupiahs in my wallet...wekk!!)
4. plug-in (kagak dapet...huaaaa). Pei's plug-in was borrowed by Devina, and Ria's just for HP charging. Supposed to be looking for it in oz. Ko It Pin said it's about $10 AUD...yaks....70,000 rupiahs just for plug in???
Maybe I dont have a chance to meet Ony, since she has to work that day from 9 am-9 pm. But her workplace is in front of my hotel. Hoping we still have time to seeing each other. I come........

PS: Buat anak2 laen..jgn kuatir...oleh2nya pasti buanyaaaaaakkk (baca-foto2)...hahahaha...


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