Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Pie Jessu - Charlotte Church...

[still curious, not satisfied]

I dont know whats the meaning of this song. Must b somt' bout Jesus.
Just read response bout my last posting (Is it wrong) in my mail.
There's some responses.
One of them doent give anything 2 me.
IMO, it just said somethin' that I already know. Theories.

Yang perlu dimengerti Tuhan mengasihi semua orang apa adanya, kita tidak perlu berubah agar dicintai Tuhan. Kita sudah dicintai oleh Dia.

I agree. But I dont think human (most of them) hav insight as Him.
Seorang Yesuit mengajarkan saya bahwa keselamatan itu adalah "Imanuel" yaitu Tuhan beserta kita. Bilamana kita hidup secara kontemplatif dan meditatif bersama Tuhan walau kita tidak tahu apa yang terjadi setelah kita meninggal, selama kita masih hidup sebenarnya kita sudah selamat karena Tuhan hadir di dalam diri kita

Just it?not quite agree. Where r we goin' after we leave this cruel world? It depend on what we've done. Does komptemplatif, mediatif, or whatever it is, determined where we'll goin'? Don't think so. It just a media. Or just because there's God in me (and u) we can say already been saved? Neither also.How we live also important.

Another response is more "down to earth".
I think the problem here not how God see us, but tend to among ourselves as human being. We often cant accept ppl's believe..act..etc. It's all back to each of you.

I hav a dream that Jesus say the truth by Himself.
Maybe rite now He just laugh at me..hmmm..


Blogger Olive said...

Hmmm...sound likely not too satisfied :) GPP lah, kalo terus lu pikirin entar lu bisa BT sendiri loh...biarin aja orang bagaimana dan kita berjalan apa adanya. Lagian banyak hal yang tak bisa kita putuskan bener-bener baik en salah nya disaat ini. Let it flow, let it be, and we do the best we can :) Hehehe..lagi-lagi sukanya ngambang ya :p

4:07 PM  
Blogger ximen said...

u r not the only one who is not, beyond than it.

10:07 PM  

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