Friday, April 22, 2005

Busy Friday

Have fun all day long.

#1 Surabaya Zoo
Me: "Wanna join me to bonbin?" (red-Surabaya Zoo).
Others: "Hueh???Are u kiddin'?!!" or "I'd like to, but I can't." (sounds there's a hope for another time), or "Ngapain?"(What r u doin' there?), or just "No." (ok then..*grin*).

I got various answers, but the point is, they all said "No".
It began when me n Edwin tried to figure out what we gonna do on this week public holiday (today).
I wanted to go some places in this hot city, where we haven't gone before. Some unordinary places. Bored with malls and others like that. I need something new.
He made some calls, and offered some ideas.
Fishing and swimming.
I denied all of them (I wasn't in the mood lately bcoz of this stupid heat).
Another calls had been made, while we were see Surabaya map.
Randomly, and accidently, I pointed on Zoo spot. I had no idea at all. My suggestion was accepted directly, amusely, with his big smile.
His friend, Meinardi, at the other side of the line agreed too (must be with big grin at his face).

Ouch! I thought I make a mistake. I wasn't as enthusiastic as them, then I tried to seek zoo's lackness. Dirty. Unwealthy poor animals, etc..etc. I guessed my bad mood played it's role.
I didn't care whether my attitude annoyed him. Like Carla said, everybody has the same right to be bad mood, rait? It's my turn now. Sometimes I lost my control, not to be level headed.

Well, it changed the next day.
It might be fun. It's not so bad idea.
I never came back to that place since my last visit, when I was a child.
Last news, there are 2 new companions join with us. Tari n Iput. They are Edwin's nieces. Their mother will provide us with 'nasi bungkus'...hehehe...
This morning, I began to more exciting with this plan.
Woke up early, before my alarm yelled. Not sleepy at all. But then I decided to sleep again since it's too early...hehe (lucky me, hav no problems about sleep stuff-always. anywhere. anytime. anyplace. Well, except certain circumtances).
Even imagine what will happen today.
Generated an imagination.
We sit under the big tree. Eating nasi bungkus. I took few shots (as usually). Bright day. Green grass. Birds singing. Hmmm....

The real situation was: the birds are singing (before me & edwin headed to zoo). Bright day. Good signs :P
About 8.30 we enter the zoo. The ticket was Rp 7500 each.
Few visitors. Good. Clean. Checked.
Clean???Wait till you enter birds area.
The plants at that area are covered with white sparks, and it's street as well. Yeah...side effect of BIRDS FESES ATTACK!!
Watch your step, put on your hat, and enjoy the 'mother nature aroma therapy'. Don't worry, u'll get used to it.
We saw kuntul's nest. Many kinds of birds, fishes, kangaroo, walabi, deer, elephants, tigers-white tigers, hippos, bison, giraph, orang utans, bears, leopard, etc.

white tiger

After hours, at last we had our breakfast. Errr....brunch, excatly. So delicious. Two thumbs up for Mbak Sri.
Full enough with our brunch, Tari, Iput n me then rode an elephant. It costs Rp 5000. It's fun enough. I never did it, and I'd like to try. Seems that they are Asian elephants, coz African elephants are wider than Asian, and Asian have 'a finger' on its trunk. I guess their trainer use feet and a tool to direct them. I don't like since it has sharp-pointed and it should hurt the elephant.
Zoo agenda end around 12.30.

rode an elephant.

#2 Second-hand book hunt @ Semarang street.
One word. Disappointed.
Their books were not as good as last time I bought there.
Actually I didn't looking for a book. But this time I wasn't attractive to buy one. Mostly, they sell school books, or Islamic books. Got bored soon. Really hot. Can't stand it. Lil' bit upset.
Ed intended to see what they sold across the street.
Their stands under the 'very bright shine'. WAAAAAAAAAHHH....GA KUKU!!!!I promise myself to cut my hair TODAY.
I stepped quickly, browsed till the last stand. Nothing. Then I noticed my dearest that I want to turn back. Why?? he asked. "Really bad books". Without waiting for his answer I walked cross the street. Lost my patient. Yeah, that's me when I got upset. Don't bother with anyone.
We left, headed to TC for DVD hunt. So relieved. Phiuhhh....

#3 TC. DVD hunt.
Same as before, bought DVDs wasn't include at my agenda today. Just accompany him. But he stopped so long at 1rst shop, where's nothing interested there. So I told him that I left to front shop, which also end with 0 result.
He n Meinard haven't done yet. Didn't want to wait, I walked around by myself. Hmm...I remember about Princess Mononoke, then I asked it to all store. Run out stock. WEK!!! ga jodo kali ya -_-'

Wait a minute, I saw another Hayao Miyazaki's creation: Nausicaa of the Valley Wind, one of my must to have list. Tried it. Looked ok. I noticed that the CD has 2 contents on its cover. Nausicaa and Totoro-My Neighbour, another Miyazaki's.
According to one of seller girl, they don't have it.
Ok then. While waiting for that '2 gentlemen', I browsed again, and found it!! Hurrayyyyyy!! But still had to wait for a boy and his father testing activity. They tried about 5 DVDs. Lucky, the father 'ngeh kalo ditungguin'. He reminded his son to quick.
My turn, boy...hehehe.

Shortly, the results of this DVDs hunt are 2 DVDs and 2 MP3s. Oldies and Jazz. My fave. Each cost 5000.

#4. DELTA-Johnny Andrean & WTC
Fulfill my promise. Got new short hair cut. The guys hand-over their bags to me when I was at the salon, so they can relieved for a while.
Headed to WTC to accompany him looked for new oldies HP-nokia pisang. Imagine that.
Dinner: Japanese fried rice + koloke, near Jendela cafe. Delicious.

Have to let my leg rest.
Sex and the city time.

Move! Move! Move!

Mestinya lebih tepat kalo pake judul "Habis panas, terbitlah dingin."
Why??? Read further more.

Sudah berhari2 di Sby puanass banget.
Mulai memasuki musim kemarau (so, coolz....u tau sendiri kan).
Bener2 ga ada angin bertiup deh.
Jadilah kantor Excellogix bak oven tipe F541(atau microwave ya...kerenan dikit..hehe) yang memanggang para penghuni di dalamnya hidup2. Very slowly.
Kipas angin juga rasanya ga mempan. AC dah ga dingin lagi, di semua ruangan.
Beberapa orang bahkan sudah bad mood, apalagi kalo siang.
Ada yang sakit. Payah deh pokoknya.

AKHIRNYA....hari kamis kemarin, tepatnya tgl 21 April 2005, tepat hari Kartini...Vera bought new stand aircon.

HUEHH...(mestinya gak ada hubungannya sama Kartinian ya...mekso dikit deh, gpp :P).
Setinggi stand-nya dispencer. Ditaruh di bawah.
Awalnya seneng sih...lama2, kok dinginnya gak kerasa blaass, kecuali kalo kita berdiri di depannya. Hiks...
Dibantu sama kipas anginpun gak ngatasi.
Keeps hot as hell.
Terdengar omelan di sana-sini, menghiasi siang yang panas itu.

Sekitar jam 3-an Vera turun, anak bawah rembukan enaknya diatur gimana supaya enak.
Akhirnya setelah trial n error, diputusin kalo si AC dipindah ke perpus, berikut anak2 bawah ikut ngungsi.
Mulai dr mejanya Sinta ke arah Hertong.

Asyiiiiikkk....bakalan adem.
Mindah lemari2 dr perpus keluar, masukin meja2 komputer ke dalem.
Ngecup tempat yang (semoga) cukup strategis.
Bersih bersiiiiiihhh....
Bahkan ngimpor co lt.2 (si Anton), tepat abis coffee break (tepat, sudah nge-charge :P).
Yang namanya lap, kemucing, sapu, pel, ember, keset dan cikrak dikerahkan.
Untung ada pembantunya Vera, kebagian sapu2 & ngepel.

Memang dah waktunya ada perubahan.
Seneng juga sih.
Kan ga usah melototin komputer (bahasa indonya: malas kerja...hehe).
Ada kesibukan lain, ga melulu itu-itu aja.
Alhasil, setelah terjadi perundingan tingkat tinggi...ini posisinya: deket pintu masuk Yunus, Freddy, Bo.
Belakangnya Bo aku, hertong, Yendy.
Ngadep ke jalan si Agung sama Sinta.
Vanie malah sendirian ngadep tembok di sebelah kamar mandi.
Yang di luar tersisa Iyem, Mak, Devi sama Pre (gonna miss u, mak!)
Karena beberapa meja dah waktunya dipensiunkan, qta pesen 3 meja baru yang kecil d Trimegah.
Dikirim besok (sabtu) ke rumahku.

Lumayan exciting juga bayangin Senin ntar.
Bakal pake meja baru.
Cozzy and cool room.
I guess Monday will not as bad as usually.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Habemus Papam

Pope Benedict XVI

White smoke rises from the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel.
Bells ringing.
Habemus papam!, means "We have new pope."
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has elected as new Roman catholic pontiff. He choose Benedict XVI as his pope name.
He delivered his first papal blessing"Urbi et Orbi" ("for the city and for the world").

The newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, was one of the most powerful men in the Vatican under Pope John Paul II, a strict enforcer of church doctrine who earned the nickname "Cardinal No." It's because of his drives to crack down on the liberation theology movement, religious pluralism, challenges to traditional teachings on issues such as homosexuality, and calls to ordain women as priests.

He led requiem mass of John Paull II.
Personally, I don't like his eye and looks, it seems that there's no warmth inside, contrary with John Paul II, which was very friendly and full of love.
But, I try to give him a chance.
We shouldn't appraise people from the cover, right?
He need our prayers to face new hard challenges in this century.


Friday, April 08, 2005

solidaritas KEBERSAMAAN

Kemaren gelang yang qta pesen dah dateng, disertai pesan utk mengirimkan foto.
Qta termasuk beberapa arek Suroboyo pertama yang pake gelang itu (katanya).
Yeah, they asked the most simple thing in the world (altoers world...hehehe).
Ga perlu disuru 2x dah foto2 sendiri kayak model.
Seperti biasa makza berpose paling depan, centil 1/2 mati 1/2 urip. maklum, dah mendarah daging.
Btw, foto qta dah masuk lho, di sini

altoers with the red wristband

Gelang semacam ini sebenarnya sudah lama beredar di seluruh dunia.
White for Make Poverty History.
Blue for Anti Bullying Campaign
Yellow for Cancer research.

beckam w/ blue wristband 4 anti bullying

Di Indo gelangnya warna merah, dari karet. Rp 10,000 each.
Yang merintis kepedulian ini adalah Brenda & suaminya (sorry ga tau namanya) dari Yayasan Tunas Cendekia
Salut buat mereka, berhasil merealisasikan idealismenya menjadi hal yang benar2 'indah'.
Hasilnya buat menyumbang program pendidikan dan perlindungan anak-anak di indo.
Aku rasa gerakan semacam ini sangat berarti buat mereka.
Semoga penyalurannya nggak ngaco kayak yang selama ini.
Kompensasi BBM yg buat membiayai pendidikan anak indo sudah banyak yang ga sampe pada yang berhak. Ada yg dananya dipake buat beli AC & TV buat KepSeknya. Teganya. Aku dari sini cuma mikir si kepsek & orang2 seperti itu akan menerima karmanya sendiri.
Apa yang kamu tabur, akan kamu tuai. Gitu aja. Tapi kenyataannya...yang menderita ya balik ke orang2 ga mampu lagi.

I just try simple way to make better world.

non rasialis-for whole nation

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Monday, April 04, 2005

Weekend review

Taun ini bakal banyak perubahan.
Yang paling baru berita wafatnya Paus Yohanes Paulus II (read here) hari Jumat pukul 21.37 waktu Roma atau Minggu pukul 2.37 WIB.
Sabtu malem pas nonton TV ada berita kalo dia semakin kritis. Trs besoknya aku bangun pagi2 bener, jam 5 buat k grj. Mam nunjukin sms dr ci Els yg bilang kl Paus dah ga ada. Rada ga percaya juga sih, biasa...sms model gitu kan sering banget. Gosip doank.
Tapi pas d gereja baru percaya juga sama kenyataan ini pas misdinar ngusung gambar Paus yang gede, ditaruh di depan mimbar.
Suasana pagi itu jadi suram n syahdu. Misa requiem utk Paus. Apalagi lagu pembukaannya bener2 menyentuh....jadi sedih banget rasanya, padahal Paus ga kenal gw, n sebaliknya. Tapi Paus itu figur yg kebapakan, hangat, ramah banget.
Homili diganti doa rosario buat mendoakan dia (tapi pancet ae gw ga bisa konsen....kyk biasa...hehehe).

Metro TV nyiarin breaking news tentang Paus, setengah hari itu.
Umat Katolik n dunia bener2 kehilangan sosok yang cinta perdamaian.
Hebatnya, orang yang dulu mau bunuh diapun ikut sedih (read here).
Negara komunis bahkan berkabung 3 hari. Imagine that!
He answers hate with love.

Siang itu daku masak sosis. Mam bikin bistik. Ternyata bumbunya hampir sama....jadi ngerti bikin bistik deh...hehehe...mayaaan....

Sorenya diajak Henry-Lusi liat pameran kamera di HOS.
Dijemput mrk abis pulang gereja.
Aku sih ga maunya liat pameran, tapi pengen liat HOS-nya...hehehe...
Sampe d sana si Albert, yg ngadain pameran dah pulang. Sepi seh.
So, qta muter2 aja (+foto2 tentunya).
Gw enjoy suasana situ. Classic. Gaya kolonial. Jadi inget my old house.
Liat sepeda tua (inget sepeda engkong), meja kuno, ornamen jendela, cengkeh...etc.
Pokoknya enak panas juga walaupun ga ada AC d situ.
Hen-Lus beli kaos, aku beli mug kecil buat minum coffee. Mayan...ada discount.
Ternyata di HOS itu tempat produksi rokok linting, 234 (Djie Sam Soe).
Tenaga kerja yg ada di ruang bawah (yg bisa diliat dr bagian merchandise museum) ada 234 orang. 1 orang bisa produksi sekian ratus batang per jam (lupa). Jadi kayak living machine.
Mereka nyediain tempat juga buat pengunjung kalo mau belajar 'ngelinting' (hari kerja sampe jam 4, hari sabtu sampe jam 3). Ada 9 orang yang ditempatin di situ (kalo ga salah denger-soalnya ga dengerin dari awal sih =P).
Bener2 pake falsafah 9.
Pulangnya dinner di cafe-nya.
Enak juga. I ordered Villed Cordon Blue (kl ga salah), sama lemon tea (dapetnya gelas gedeee).

Sebelum bobok nonton DVD. Horror genre. The title is Doll Master.
Ceritanya tentang pembalasan dendam si boneka.
Alkisah, ada artist yg buat boneka seukuran manusia yg mirip pacarnya. Krn si pembuat terlalu sayang sama bonekanya, akhirnya boneka itu punya 'soul'.
Si cewek dibunuh, tapi si artist yg dituduh jadi pembunuh. Dianiaya sampe mati. Si boneka bales dendam sama keturunannya pembunuh2 tadi.
Dasar...mau tidurpun masih nyempetin nonton film serem...hehehe...
Biar seru kan, cocok. Nonton horror sendirian, malem2.
Masih tersisa 1 buat ditonton. Taxi.
