Tuesday, June 29, 2004

After break

It's been 2 days I dont write on my blog.
My old friend visited me.
She is my best friend since high school.
So for 2 days we're hang out together. It's fun.
We can talk about anything & everything.
About guys, her problems, and mine too.
Our live experiences after we didnt met for a long time.
Our feeling these days. etc...
We tried vietnamese food, shopping (off course...) and eat again at bon ami.
Yes...I spent more money...shop (eat) till I drop..huehehehe
Cant saving as my first plan...
I think this month I'm broke again
Cant resist to watch Shrek 2 and my beloved Potter...
After struggled and waited for at least half an hour for tickets...I met them again (Harry, Hermione, Ron, and others).
Unfortunately Patronus spell isnt good as my imagination.
Besides that, Dementor is not "creepy" as well. More like black dirty ragged clothes.
I think PoA failed to reach the climax.
But, in the other hand...I'm excited to see Harry and the ganks again.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Shrek 2

Shrek's Crews

Last night I watched Shrek 2.
It's so funny.
Evrybody laughed.
Great story.
It's better than Shrek.
My fav is Puss in the Boots.

Puss in Boots-big eye

Message they want to tell us: "Don't judge people from their look"
At lease Shrek and his friends can lighten my heart (for a while).

These are our heroes:

Shrek-Fiona (Mike Myers - Cameron Diaz)
Donkey (Eddie Murphy)
Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas)

Thursday, June 24, 2004


[casablanca >> j'ai faim]

Few things in my mind.
Meat ball, KFC, lasagna, ice cream, salad, AC, fresh juice, sea food, nyam nyam....etc..etc...

Updated blog this morning. Add a new touch.
Inspiration came to me when I listened to Charlotte Church's songs. So....(tell me urself).
Esp when she sang Ave Maria.
Amazing voice. Pretty lady.

Hav 2 practice songs 4 ceremony on July 18.

This is the day we promised
What will happen next?


[real silent night..waiting ragnarok installation process >> sturfing]

Today I knew that one of my office mates that sit next to me was just made a blogger too.
It means, I can add him to my "basket bloggers" (a list of my friends that share their minds, ideas, thought, etc). Share our dreams, hope, frighteness, and many more

Today altoers has new "companion(s)".
We can say that as INTRUDER(S
Mickey (and Minnie?) Mouse.
It was running around everywhere at the kitchen. With happy face I supposed.
Big, fat, black and ugly mice.Yaikzzzz

It came from a hole under "wastafel"
My friend closed it, but few minutes later the other mouse (we think, coz I knew it's already back to where it from) explore its new world. Visit our Lou han, ran in front my collegues' nose
Anyway, they sucessfully made us jumped this evening
I thought my cat isnt compentent to kick them out...pitty. She's afraid of mouse. So ironic).

My friend in TW said, that I write on blog many more than she is.
She made me realized that writing is my new hobby lately. And I love it.

It's 23.06 a.m
Gtg to my bed

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Pie Jessu - Charlotte Church...

[still curious, not satisfied]

I dont know whats the meaning of this song. Must b somt' bout Jesus.
Just read response bout my last posting (Is it wrong) in my mail.
There's some responses.
One of them doent give anything 2 me.
IMO, it just said somethin' that I already know. Theories.

Yang perlu dimengerti Tuhan mengasihi semua orang apa adanya, kita tidak perlu berubah agar dicintai Tuhan. Kita sudah dicintai oleh Dia.

I agree. But I dont think human (most of them) hav insight as Him.
Seorang Yesuit mengajarkan saya bahwa keselamatan itu adalah "Imanuel" yaitu Tuhan beserta kita. Bilamana kita hidup secara kontemplatif dan meditatif bersama Tuhan walau kita tidak tahu apa yang terjadi setelah kita meninggal, selama kita masih hidup sebenarnya kita sudah selamat karena Tuhan hadir di dalam diri kita

Just it?not quite agree. Where r we goin' after we leave this cruel world? It depend on what we've done. Does komptemplatif, mediatif, or whatever it is, determined where we'll goin'? Don't think so. It just a media. Or just because there's God in me (and u) we can say already been saved? Neither also.How we live also important.

Another response is more "down to earth".
I think the problem here not how God see us, but tend to among ourselves as human being. We often cant accept ppl's believe..act..etc. It's all back to each of you.

I hav a dream that Jesus say the truth by Himself.
Maybe rite now He just laugh at me..hmmm..

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


[moonlight in vermont]
Hope really can enjoy it with "him"

Rite now I'm playing literati (or scrabble) w/ 2 Shirleys (imagine that)..hehe...
Phone bill for this month must be break d record :P
Unfortunately, I'm accidently out in d middle of the game coz my line is dc.
So let both Shirleys play by themselves.

I deleted a guy from my messanger's list this evening.
And sent him to "recycle bin" (read: ignore lists).
Sound so mean, huh?
Don't really care. He is so ANNOYING!
I already told him that when I'm working, I don't like to chat.
But he keep buzz me, and I wonder if he realize that I'm not please with it.
Actually he's kind. Sometimes I assume he doesn't hav confident dealing with ppl. Esp w/ girls. His hair is so mazy. Old fashioned guy I think.
Sorry dude!Can't help it anymore.

Today...Carla & I talked about the "R" guy.
We think he is so hypocrite, psycho, and obsessive guy.
Mr. KnowItAll she said (^_^)
I don't mind if he broad minded and know many things more than I do. But, his fault is, he cant put it in the right place and right time. Underestimate women (what kind of man like that!). Does he think he is superman? Nope that I know!
What Carla told me this evening was contrary with what he said 'bout his act to her.
It makes we dont appreciate him MORE!
Pathetic, miserable, freak, sucks guy!
I'm going to put him in my "black book". Sure I will.
A man like him isnt worth to know.

Monday, June 21, 2004


Just drop few words.

Last week I watched K9 movies.
It made me miss my dogs :(
Both of them, german sheperd ones.
Big, loving, cute, faithful dog.
Cheer up my world.

Hopefully, someday I'll hav my own dog again.
They always hav special place, deep inside my heart.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Sing for Thee

[stardust, thinking 'bout someone out there]

Last night I watched ITS'concert. It called Give Thanks Concert.
It was as part of their prep to join pesparawi contest that held on july 29 in Papua. Wow!
Their voices are great.
The concert itself consist of 4 chapter.
Ordinarium song, kontemporer, alumnus soloist and ethnic.
I love ethnic part more than others (but not underestimate them).
It's so unique.
They sang songs from Irian, Batak, Java and Maluku.
And dance too.
There's a little bit of proud inside, coz I realize that my country is so rich with colourful unique culture.
It made me so astonished, how wonderful the inculturation.
They really gave their best for God.

That night I saw a man like him. He's one of participant.
Didn't who he is.
But the guy remind me of my first impression when I saw my love.
Made me miss him more.
Hmmm...gotta rent some CDs

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Born Free

[9.57 pm. home. mozart]

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

(Born Free - Andy Williams )

This morning a word flashed in my mind.
I saw a dokar. Actually I more interested with the horse.
When I see horse, I always think it as a symbol of freedom.
Maybe coz I love to see them run at the field. Slow motion effect.
So free and beutiful.
I can't describe it.
Often imagine I ride on it. Green field. Beautiful sky. Bright day. Wind blow my hair. No one. Just me and my horse.
Begin to think, maybe horse is 2nd or 3rd animals I love, after DOGS and dolphin.

Free is the topic of the day.
As my quotation. It's lyric from Born Free song.
I like that song & (movie too).

I often feel, my parents curbed me (as a woman).
Yeah...they kind of conventional type.
Don't come home late (esp if I go out w/ my bf), different when I hang out w my friends.
Sometimes they offer to pick me up after office hour, or at least tell my sist 2 do that.
I dont like it!
Yes,thx 4 care, but I prefer to choose when I get back, though by bemo.
Dont do this or that...bla bla...etc etc.
Often think to against the rules.

Why as women, people see us differently.Comparing with men, offcourse.
Why we (women) in Indo esp, have to get married soon.
If we don't, people will watch us with lift eyebrow.
Hey! Why r u stilll single? or...
When u'll get merried?
When..when..when... (sometimes I get bored hear that).
What's u people problem,huh?
So what if I'm not merried now.
It's my own business. It's my life!

Nobody perfect.
Today I found that eventhough my friends are already engaged, they aren't 100% "click" with their couple.
The person whom they together with doesn't suit w/ their criteria.
There's no Mr. Right (is Mr. Right only in Cinderella story??)
Vei said that she hate men! (hahaha...) How bout her bf?
If I wait for Mr.Rigt I won't get merried at all.
If they can, and can choose, they prefer not merried. I assume they HATE it!
Expensive cost, prepare breakfast - dinner. (Annoying) children.
The point is...they r not FREE anymore.

But still there's my friend, who r get dizzy bcoz she miss men in her life.
Well, I think, when we get older...our criteria for men get more simple.
Able n want 2 work, and care (most important 4 me, he loves God). That's the bottom line.

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide


Cheezzee Posted by Hello

[15.30, my office]

Yesterday n today are so badly (quite relax too =P)
No spirit for work...(luckyly my boss doesnt read this)

Some part of my office floor on 1rst was almost broke.
So some men fixed it. They need to cut its.
At the end, we who r on 1rst hav to stay outside at backyard.
The room was full with dirty bloody dust!
But we have a mat n some pillows.
We light up our day with picnic, snacks, relax, lying on the ground and jokes.
La vien rose =)
Not forget to take a pose (read: lots)

That day me and my friends had lunch together at Gubeng Pojok.
Not bad...especially "nasi krengsengan".
I myself ate ordinary soto ayam (why I didn't order nasi krengsengan? :(( )
But when we got back to the office, we hav to clean up the mess.

Just work in last 4 hour.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

It's me

It's me Posted by Hello

First trial to upload my photo.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Is it wrong?

Kemarin hampir telat ke gereja (well...benernya telat juga sih 5-10 menit :D)
Abis doa ternyata liat si Teffy baru dateng.
Ternyata ada yang lebih telat lagi neeh.
Akhirnya aku sama Edwin gabung ke dia.
We are so happy to meet her.
Yah..jadinya gak seberapa konsen ke misa sih.
Apalagi emang qta dah lama gak ketemu & si Teffy emang doyan ngomong =P

Apa yg kita perbuat dosa?
Kalo diperhatiin...orang katolik penuh dgn ritual & tradisi.
Masuk gereja buat tanda salib.
Mau duduk berlutut buat tanda salib lagi.
Duduk manis liat ke depan, ikutin misa.
Apa dia "bener-bener" ikutin misa dgn segenap hati?
Yang tau cuman dia & Tuhan.
Aku sendiri sih merasa cukup sulit utk konsentrasi terus 1 1/4 jam full.

Apa gunanya kalo hadir tapi sebenarnya "tidak hadir"
Apa gunanya kalo kita setiap minggu ke gereja, tapi apa yang baik langsung lenyap ketika kaki melangkah keluar gereja?
Apakah bisa dibenarkan kalau kita memilih tidak ke gereja tiap minggu, tapi ketika hadir, sungguh2 hati mengarah ke Tuhan?
Apakah Bapa akan "menghukum" umatNya yang "bandel" seperti itu?
Tapi Ia kan maha pengasih.
Bukankah Ia melihat hatimu?

Banyak orang yg kecewa dgn gereja.
Dan yang lain sebagai "anggota gereja umat beriman" memandang mereka dgn aneh.
Orang2 berdosa.
Apakah orang-orang tersebut layak menerima anggapan itu?
Bukankah kita semua pendosa?

Apakah kalau orang katolik yang tidak melakukan ritual2 itu salah? Berdosa?
Bagaimana kalau mereka hidup sesuai dgn ajaran Kristus?
Apakah mereka tetap dicap "pendosa?"
Bukankah Yesus melihat hati?

Bagaimana dgn saudara2 kita yang lain?
Do they wrong because they are not Christian?
Tetapi mereka sesungguhnya melakukan ajaran2Nya.
Bagaimana dgn orang2 yang bilang mereka pengikut Kristus yg taat, tetapi hanya tau bilang Tuhan...Tuhan and do nothing.
Just pray and do nothing.
Apakah bisa dibilang mereka itu yang benar?

Mengapa kita memandang agama, ritual, dsb sebagai suatu sekat.
Bukankah Yesus sendiri tidak melihatnya.
Mengapa pusing?

Hunting day

Yesterday was quite fun.

But don't imagine a giant pig, gun, horse and so on (well...it's almost close with those:D )
What did I hunt?
Books of course! :)
And animal (cat & dogs)
Ride on the road with iron horse (car)..hehe

Last evening, me, Edwin, Budi, Della and Grace went to Sutorejo.
Budi & Della saw Husky advertise on newspaper. They intend to look the dog then they ask us to join them.
I don't know why they crazy in love with Husky...as well I don't understand why Edwin has crush on the ugly boxer =(

I met lot of dogs.
They are so cute and funny!
Cloudy, husky with beautiful blue eyes.
Alvin, naughty dalmatian.
Many more that I don't know its name..but they are beautiful (although they "bau")
Dogs are man best friends.

Then we drive to Semarang street.
We hunt books :>
Cheap and interesting books.
I bought Harry Potter: PoA for only 15,000. Asterix with the same price.
Edwin bought Tenth Insight (celestine), a book that I don't remember, and 'bout Dorian Gray. So interesting. I can't wait to read all at once!hehehe...
For 5 books we only spent 57000. So cheap isn't it?

After that we ate sate buntel, tongseng and gule.
Not so yummy...but not bad.

Hunting again in the night.
My family's dummy cat was on the roof.
And its so silly till can't landed on the ground:(
So pap, my sist and me tried to help (actually my sist n pap).
But we didn't get any credit at all from it (stupid pussy cat!)
That's why I love dog lot more than cat.

Friday, June 11, 2004

First thought that slide on the net

My table, in the office (11.25 AM)

Today is my friend b'day.
As new tradition in my office, I & my pal, Bo went to buy some "snack".
But, till we got the target..it's out of stock =(
So we have to looking for another option, Suzana.

When we got back, on some traffic stop, I looked some "nerd" guy (we can say he's a crazy guy) lying in front of the store with empty look and smile.
I'm quite sure his smell is not good.
What is in his mind?
Is he think about his family?
Has he married?
Does he has wife or son?
Where is he come from?
Why he's lying there?

Just wonder...
Maybe if he has another chance, another better life...I'll see him as another guy.
Maybe he has a store, or farmer.
With nice look and neat.
Happy life.
What had happened??
Nobody know.