Tuesday, March 21, 2006

T r u s t

What do you think about trust?
Is it easy 4 u to trust someone?
Is it easy to gain someonelse's trust?
Well, i think it's not that simple.

When i trust someone...i can become so naive...
but if u broke it...i dont know whether i can trust u again
Yesterday, someone from the past, that i thought before as a trustworthy person, said something that hit me enough :(

Years before, he admitted that he did something bad-which i can't tolerate. It's against my principle.
But I was so naive and i tried to convince myself that he didnt do anything further than what he said.

Few weeks ago, I talked about it with a friend.
My friend didn't trust his story. There's something weird.
Well, maybe...but I just take it easy and forget it.
But yesterday, he (this 'someone') said that he did the same thing (with another person) as if it's normal and right.

Last night, I awoke 4 a while.
Can't help this crossed my mind and evoke tear.
Even I can't change anything, and he just my brother now...but still I dont understand why he become like that.
I feel very disappointed at him.
I think I can't respect and trust him again.
In the other hand, I'm grateful that I made the right decision once ago.

Very useless to grieve, but better give myself time to grieve for a while...then let it go.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bad news

I just god a bad news - cant tell it here.
I must admit this unsuspected feeling that I was disappointed n lil bit sad:(
Something that I didnt realize before.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Belakangan ini aku sering terbangun subuh.
selalu jam 03.50...(kurang lebihlah)...soalnya mata masi ga kompromi..
kok bisa ya??

1930 ++

tgl 7 malam kemarin adalah saat yg ditunggu2...
dah sejak waktu aku masi ndekem di rumah:P
Konser jazz by Ad Colen dr Belanda.
jam 19.30 mulai.
tapi 19.30 aku masi di rumah...nunggu pyor jemput :((
dia abis maisong nebeng temen...yah...maklum dah
jadi gak enak sama CY soalnya dia dah duluan di sana...

valens & vanie udah duluan sampe.
pyor baru jemput 10.30 :D
untung ada temen telat, si carla & rina.
ternyata...qta TIDAK BISA MASUK!
anak2 yg udah di dalam ditelp g denger mungkin....
alhasil, setelah percobaan carla ngerayu panitia buat dibolehin 1 orang masuk cari temen gagal...terpaksa pake cara lain.
longok2 cari anak2...akhirnya liat vanie dgn baju & rambut genjrengnya...hahaha
thx van :>
minta tolong panitia buat panggilin vanie suru bawa tiket.
akhirnya qta ber5 bisa masuk juga...dapet tempat duduk di depan malahan :))
aku duduk no 2 dari depan. *lumayaaaaan....

konsernya sendiri not badlah...walau aku g terlalu suka musik yg diusung, tapi lumayan enjoy sih.
mengamati gimana ekspresi pemainnya, improvisasi musik jazz yg selalu dinamis, & penggebuk drumnya lucu (not cute).
ada beberapa lagu yg unik jadi g ngantuk2 amatlah...hahaha...

abis konser...apalagi kalo bukan foto2...untung g banyak2...dah ngantux
untunglah akhirnya semua berjalan baik.
sampe rumah masi sempetin utak utik kamera baruku...Canon PS A610!!akhirnya....

agenda 4 today: Canon PS A610 again :)

*yen...i owe u a photo yah ;)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Homeschooling vs regular school

From kompas