Friday, December 24, 2004



Tonight I'll attend christmas mass at Hendrikus high school.
Tomorrow I'm gonna left this country (cieeee)....actually on 22.30 Bali time.
Will meet my aunt n little cousin there.

1. battery pack (2)-charged. done
2. clothes (must re-check)
3. money (bokek-only 40 rupiahs in my wallet...wekk!!)
4. plug-in (kagak dapet...huaaaa). Pei's plug-in was borrowed by Devina, and Ria's just for HP charging. Supposed to be looking for it in oz. Ko It Pin said it's about $10 AUD...yaks....70,000 rupiahs just for plug in???
Maybe I dont have a chance to meet Ony, since she has to work that day from 9 am-9 pm. But her workplace is in front of my hotel. Hoping we still have time to seeing each other. I come........

PS: Buat anak2 laen..jgn kuatir...oleh2nya pasti buanyaaaaaakkk (baca-foto2)...hahahaha...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Indonesia dalem Api dan Bara

Have u ever heard that? Maybe not.
Make sense, since it was lost for almost 60 years from market, and just republished in 2000's.
The book told about social politic situation in Malang since 1941-1947, when the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was recently proclaimed. The people militia were everywhere while the Dutch still reigned in the city. Inevitably, chaos erupted here and there. Amidst the earth-scorching strategy, occurred looting, tortures, rapes and murders as the excesses of the Revolution -- something that may remind us to the May 1998 tragedy.

The author was Tjambuk Berdoeri who used a mixture of Fujianese, Dutch, English, German, Indonesia and low Javanese in his writing. As it turned out, the author was an eccentric writer of Chinese descent.
The introduction was wrote by Kwee Thiam Tjing, whose I know lately, as my ancestor, from my great great grandmother side.
Actually, KTT is a Tjambuk Berdoeri himself. All the authors were use nick name at that time. He has several necks, the funny one. Uleg-uleg, sportmen, etc.

Yesterday a duscussion forum about that book was held at Mojopahit Hotel.
My pop and his relative (the old one-whom I called Opa) was meant to attend it.
Opa is a right descent from KTT himself, and he has a very good memory about it. He is family tree specialist.
Afterwards, I began to curiuos about it.
I want to know more about him, want to know about my family. So, I join them to Mojopahit.
Opa has has arranged an appointment with Ben Anderson and his team (who are concern and investigate my ancestor identity). He will straighten some facts about my ancestor story that have been told by Stanley, KTT's son in law. They will meet today.

Shortly, we're late. When we arrived, they had problem, since I haven't ate yet..hehehe.
The friend chicken was yummy. The others...suck!
The session itself was very interesting.
Brought by Prof. Bennedict Anderson (an American expert -history, maybe- about Indonesia, who had been forbid to visit Indo during Soeharto era), KTT's daughter, Arief (investigation team), and a man called Dede (dunno who he is).
Some pictures about the book and KTT was presented by Arief. When I saw the first publishion of the book, I remember that I ever saw that book as one of my dad collection. It's very ugly, and as a child that time, I didn't interesting to read it.

One of Kwee's relatives that night, told the audience the ironic and sad fact.
During chaos situation happened that day, actually one of the doctor of red cross volunteer has been report and asked Dutch patrol to come, but they refused!!
So cruel!.
Unavoidable, killing field everywhere.

Anyway, from what I heard that night, I'm very proud of my ancestor.
He was so unique and eccentric. He was a nationalist, critical chinese journalist, funny, and good person.
Ben admires his book, and his writing style. He said that KTT deserve to be compared with Pramudya Ananta Noer.
I realize right now...that there's a writer blood in my family, and where it's come from (no wonder that my dad also like to write, and me, as well--this blog...hehehehe).
Last night was valuable moment in my life.
After went home, I began to read that book (the new copy), but I was soooo sleepy and my sight began to blur...hehehe...
I intend to read this book during my journey this saturday, considering that it will be very boring at plane.

Over n out.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Enjoy d morning

[library, rilexing mode]

Working in the not very cool but not hot library is very rilexing.
Listening Alicia Keys songs and reading news @, while waiting for the program do its job...hehe..

Btw, Yendy called me last night, just when I got back from GM (I met trio altoers there, coolz, bo n Big D-Denny. They also had dinner at Wendy's as well..hueehh). Back to Yen, poor him :P
So boring to stay at home. He miss us huehehe...
* Wondering how he looks like.
Actually he want to meet us, especially before we take our day off. Maybe on this Friday, or next Monday. But he wont hav a chance to meet me, or Bo, or...Coolz???(perhaps..hehe) if he back on Monday. Hope u get well soon Yen.

over n out.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


The clock is ticking....

Preparation for my holiday:
1. paid the travel beureau (done)
2. medicines (almost done)
3. clothes (not yet)
4. new battery pack (not yet)
5. jack (4 electricity)-not yet.
6. bo's CF (will borrow it)
7. the most important thing: health.

Gonna meet Ony in Melb and JJ in Sidney (if we have opportunity). Hope so.
At least I have their phone number.
Can't wait to see them.
I wonder what's their look like. JJ must be 'bigger' now...hehehe...
c u there mes amies.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


[mode: enthusiastic]

Good news.
My efforts end successfully.
We've got it!
So...I'll not be home for new year.
Next saturday I'll begin my journey.
New adventures.
Hope I can meet my friend there.
JJ, O'on (maybe si Ndut if he's not back to Indo).
Thanks God (*phew)

Monday, December 13, 2004


This week gonna be busy week (weks!!)
Abis lama ga mood blas ngisi blog...sekarang ga niat ngisi pake inggris bagus2 ah.
Apalagi sore ini pas pulang gw baru nyadar kalo capek banget. Laper lagi!
Itu aja gara2 si Yendy komentar, kok aku keliatan lesu. Iya ya..baru nyadar.
Gimana gak, dari pagi wes spanneng d depan kompie. Apalagi kalo bukan urusan link, promo & kroni2nya -__-'
Paling ga minggu ini wes beres separoh. Nek bisa ya kabeh. Mboh isa gak. Yang namae generate link ae sueee...Mana panas lagi, dah lama ga ujan.
Belum lagi si BoBo Ho dengan cengirannya yg mbencekno itu..annoying banget deh (awas ya loe Bo, mentang2 ga repot!!)

[buat cooling down...dengerin si Josh]

Mestine mayan banyak yg mesti diurusin. Buku, visa, koor, DVD, baterai, saving money, cari baju pesta, apply HSBC (yg salesnya cmn bisa janji dateng tok sampe sekarang, ga keliatan ujung kumisnya sekalipun-mboh punya kumis gak..hehehe), dll, etc..etc.... Mesti kontak si A, B, C-Z.
Ada sebab akibat....If X then Y, else Z..blablabla...
Semoga dapet visa seh, dah perlu vacation neh (apalagi abis bolak balik bank sampe bosen, n sungkan pula ngrepoti mereka tiap hari...*well, almost :P)
*Thinking of my future

Pengen ikut k trawas/tretes week-end ini, tapi sekalian ga segitu pengen jg (repot toh)
Tapi mesti tugas pembukaan & penutupan misa minggu (maen paling pagi sm misa terakhir).
Rasae kepala wes rada 'umep', ibarat gunung berapi siap2 ngeluarin lahar (beware, guys!)

[my fave song, by Josh]

hari ini jd lebih gampang jengkel n ga sabaran.
n ga suka kalo apa yg blm beres, tertunda sebentar (kumat).
kayak tadi pas beres2 abis maem, masih banyak yg berantakan, tau2 ada telp (c'est mon cher), but still made me felt..HHhhhhh!!!

Anyway, hope tomorrow will be better.
Sunshine brighten my day.
Everything will b ok.